UFZ - Doctoral Award | 2023 | Carolin Winter: Promotionspreis 2023, Helmholtz Zentrum für Umweltforschung |
EGU - Presentation Award | November 2023 | Jonas Pyschik: Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) |
EGU - Travel Award | Mai 2023 | Jonas Pyschik: Travel Award of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) |
EGU - Highlight Article | August 2021 | Michael Stoelzle and Lina Stein (2021): Rainbow color map distorts and misleads research in hydrology – guidance for better visualizations and science communication |
Siegfried-Dyck-Preis 2020 - DWA/FgHW | März 2020 | Markus Weiler: Entwicklung u. Anwendung des bodenhydrologischen Modells RoGeR |
Outstanding Paper Award 2020 Vadose Zone Journal | Oktober 2020 | Matthias Sprenger et al.: Measuring and Modeling Stable Isotopes of Mobile and Bulk Soil Water |
TdH - Poster Award | April 2019 | Kerstin Stahl et al.: Die Dürre 2018: extreme Hydrometeorologie und ein sichtbares Spektrum an Auswirkungen |
Biogeosciences Reviewer Award | Februar 2019 | Andreas Hartmann: for his exceptional support of the journal during the past three years |
AGU Fall Meeting 2017 - Outstanding Student Paper Award (OSPA) | Dezember 2017 | Dominic Demand: Infiltration Processes and Flow Velocities Across the Landscape: When and Where is Macropore Flow Relevant? |
TdH - Poster Award | April 2017 | Michael Stoelzle et al.: Niedrigwasser im Rhein - eine graphische Datenanalyse |
EGU - OSP-Preis | Oktober 2015 | Michael Stoelzle et al.: Improved baseflow characterization in mountainous catchments |
EGU - Highlight Article | Juni 2015 | Andreas Hartmann et al. (2015, GMD): A large-scale simulation model to assess karstic groundwater recharge over Europe and the Mediterranean |
EGU - Travel Award | Mai 2014 | Fabian Ries: Travel Award of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) |
Uni FR - IGA-Prize | Dezember 2013 | Andreas Hartmann: Prize for excellent commitment for PhD students by the International Graduate Academy (IGA) of the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg |
City of Dresden - GW Research Prize | Juni 2013 | Andreas Hartmann: Modeling karst hydrology and hydrochemistry at different scales and in different climates considering uncertainty |
TdH - Poster Award | April 2013 | Irene Kohn et al.: 2011 - Ein Jahr hydrologischer Extreme in Deutschland? |
Jim Dooge Award - Best Publication | April 2013 | Andreas Hartmann et al. (2012, HESS): A new approach to model the spatial and temporal variability of recharge to karst aquifers best 2012 publication in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences |
Die Zeit / - Young Scientist of the Year | November 2012 | Andreas Hartmann: 2nd prize in the "Young Scientist of the Year" competition, awarded by the big German newspaper "Die Zeit" and "" for an excellent research project and social engagement |
TdH - Poster Award | April 2012 | Jakob Garvelmann et al.: Potential der Zeitraffer-Fotografie zur Beobachtung der räumlichen Verteilung von Schneedeckeneigenschaften |
EGU - Travel Award | April 2011 | Andreas Hartmann: Travel Award of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) |
Uni FR - Alumni Award | Juli 2010 | Fabian Ries: Alumni award of the Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg for an excellent final exam, social commitment and an excellent master thesis |
IAH - Researcher Prize | September 2009 | Andreas Hartmann: Young Karst Researcher Prize, International Association of Hydrogeologists IAH, Commission on Karst Hydrology |
Uni FR - Alumni Award | Februar 2009 | Andreas Hartmann: Alumni award of the Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg for an excellent final exam, social commitment and an excellent master thesis |
Certificate of Excellence | November 2003 | Jürgen Strub et al., für die Kartographie des Hydrologischen Atlas von Deutschland: "First Place - Battle of the Maps / Atlas Cartography" der Softwarefirma Corporate Montage |