Sensor networks and innovative measurement systems
Thermal infrared imaging of a wetland showing the inflow of warmer water
Low-cost, low-power wireless sensor networks have the potential to revolutionize data collection methods in hydrology. They promise the ability to monitor hydrological phenomena at a very high spatial and temporal resolution with flexible sampling schemes, real time data processing and high levels of quality control. However, its potential is in contrast with the relative difficult set-up and they still need to evolve into an easier to use, more reliable platform before they can replace traditional data collection methods. But we are also developing and testing unique stand-alone systems for specific purposes (SnoMoS – snow monitoring station), automatic dilution discharge gauging system (ADiGS) or we apply new techniques (hand-held thermography, time-laps photography) to test its potential in hydrology.
Snow monitoring station (SnoMoS) in the field and its components