apl. Prof. Dr. Jens Lange
Akademischer OberratChair of Hydrology Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg Friedrichstraße 39 D-79098 Freiburg Phone: +49 (0)761 - 203 3546 E-Mail: ![]() Room-No: 01.014 |
Teaching and research, student advisory
Field of interest:
Hydrological processes, water quality, tracers, micropollutants, hydrology of arid and semi-arid zones, drought
1988-1994 | Study at the University of Freiburg: Master of Hydrology |
1995-1999 | Ph.D.-thesis "A non-calibrated rainfall-runoff model for large arid catchments" jointly with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, awarded with the "Post-Doc Flight Scholarship" of the University of Freiburg |
1996-1999 | Scholarship holder "Landesgraduiertenförderung Baden-Württemberg" |
1999-2008 | Scientific Lecturer at the Chair of Hydrology, University of Freiburg |
since 2008 | Assistant Professor at the Chair of Hydrology, University of Freiburg |
2011 | Associate Professor at the Chair of Hydrology, University of Freiburg |
since 2015 | apl. Professor at the Chair of Hydrology, University of Freiburg |
Research projects
1995-1996 | "Floodwater alluvium relations", State of Baden-Württemberg |
1999-2004 | "The impact of urbanization on integrated drainage basin hydrology and water resources, West Bank and Israel", DFG: Project coordination |
2005-2011 | "Hydrological Modeling (blue water)", BMBF, GLOWA Jordan River: Project coordination |
2006-2010 | "Mitigation of pesticides pollution and phytoremediation in Artificial WETlands Ecosystems, ArtWET", EU-Life: project water |
2011-2014 | "Potential der oberrheinischen Feuchtgebiete für die Reduzierung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln, PhytoRet", EU, INTERREG: Project partner |
2015-2018 | „Maßnahmen für einen nachhaltigeren Umgang mit Pestiziden und deren Transformationsprodukten im Regionalen Wassermanagement“, MUTReWa, BMBF, Coordination workgroup Universität Freiburg |
2016-2021 | „Drought impacts, processes and resilience: making the invisible visible (DRIeR)“, Water network, Baden-Württemberg |
2019-2022 | „Eine Strategie zur NAchhaltigen VErringerung des Biozideintrags in das Grundwasser am Oberrhein“, NAVEBGO, EU-INTERREG, Coordination |
2021-2025 | Regional Centre for Sustainable Adaptation to Global Change in the Middle East, SAGE-Centre, DAAD, Project partner |
Regular teaching
B. Sc. | "Hydrology and water resources" in the module "Atmosphere and Hydrosphere" |
"Hydrogeology" (Nebenfach Umwelthydrologie) | |
"Biozidauswaschung im Stadtgebiet von Freiburg" | |
M. Sc. | "Basics in natural and environmental sciences, HYDPRO" |
"Hydrometry" (Introduction to hydrological field work) | |
"Global hydrology" (i.e. arid zone hydrology) | |
"Aquatic ecology I" (physical and chemical processes) | |
"Micropollutants in the environment (english spoken) |
PhDs (first supervisor, *second supervisor)
ongoing | Ayat Hazameh Ali Alkayed Sari Shawash Konstantin Ilgen Felicia Linke Jan Greiwe |
finished | Sandra Willkommen* (2022) Marcus Bork* (2021) Clemens Messerschmid (2020) Elena Fernández Pascual (2019) Anne Gunkel (2017) Fabian Ries (2016) Andreas Hartmann* (2013) Sameer Shadeed (2008) |
Master theses (first supervisor)
2022 | Dunja Powroschnik Omoyemi Edun Theresa Goder |
2021 | Konstantin Illgen Sebastian Spieler Isabella Smekal Eva Breitenbach Felix Zimmermann |
2019 | Jasper Opdenhoff Kenta Koyanagi Anja Hegenauer |
2018 | Philipp Grimm Cayetana Ortiz Monasterio O`Dogherty |
2017 | Birgit Maria Müller |
2016 | Julianna Regenauer Matthias von Brasch Sameera Zaman Jan Greiwe Jost Hellwig |
2015 | Joscha Schellhorn |
2014 | Finnian Freeling |
2013 | Matthias Bents Elisa Martinez Garceran |
2012 | Jakob Sohrt Brian Sweeny Steffi Schreiber |
2011 | Romy Durst Katharina Rucki Robin Steudten |
2010 | Simon Müller Daniela Petto |
2009 | Jan Pliwischkies Nancy Linke |
2008 | Matthias Kremer Irene Kohn Sonja Jankowfsky Bernadette Prömse Jochen Hohenrainer Uwe Hagenlocher Benjamin Giebl Melanie Domokos Andreas Hartmann |
2007 | Daniela Brucher Janusch Laule René Capell Robert Krier Vered Korenfeld Chris Fischer Matthias Gaßmann Fabian Nippgen Christian Wiesendanger |
2006 | Sophia Aina Sandström Damaris Hartmann Cindy Hugenschmidt Tobias Schütz Florian Winter |
2005 | Gunther Adolph Andreas Hänsler Hannes Leistert |
2004 | Béatrice Guwang |
2002 | Andreas Wagner |