Prof. Dr. Kerstin Stahl
Chair of Environmental Hydrological Systems Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg Friedrichstraße 39 D-79098 Freiburg Phone: +49 (0)761 - 203-3532 E-Mail: ![]() Branch office "Blue Container", Stefan-Meier-Straße 31a |
Chair of Environmental Hydrological Systems
Publications CV (pdf) Google Scholar
Research Interests
hydroclimatic variability and change, impacts of climate change on hydrology, low flows and drought, mountain hydrology, transboundary rivers, vulnerability and risk
Projects and Collaborations (current)
from 4/2023: StressRes - Monitoring- und Modellsystem zur Beurteilung von Stress auf Grundwasserressourcen und Trinkwassermanagement (BMBF)
2022-2023: EDORA - European Drought Observatory for Resilience and Adaptation (European Commission)
2021-2023: Niedrigwasser Stresstests in Fließgewässern und Quellen (LUBW)
2020-2023: Alpine Drought Observatory (Interreg Alpine Space)
2020-2023: DüMa Dreisam (Badenova Innovationsfond)
2016-2021: TrenDHy (DFG)
2016-2021: DRIeR: Drought impacts, processes and resilience: making the invisible visible (Wassernetzwerk Baden-Württemberg)
2013-2016: BAFU NW: Effect of climatic change on groundwater and low flow
2013-2016: DrIVER: Drought impacts: Vulnerability thresholds in monitoring and early-warning research. Belmont Forum/G8HORCs (DFG) project
2012-2015: ASG Rhein: Glacier and snowmelt runoff components in the river Rhine, Commission for the Hydrology of the Rhine (KHR/CHR)
2011-2015: DROUGHT-R&SPI: Fostering European Drought Research and Policy Interfacing. EU FP7 Integrated Project. Lead WP3: Drought sensitive regions in Europe: impacts, vulnerability, and risk
2010-2013: DROUGHT-CH: Early recognition of critical drought and low-flow conditions in Switzerland - coping with shortages in soil moisture, groundwater and runoff. NFP 61 Project with partners in CH.
2007-2011: EU project WATCH (Water and Global Change), WB4: Extremes (through University of Oslo)
2009-2010: Hitze und Dürre in der Regio (mit Andreas Matzerakis, Meteorologisches Institut Freiburg)
2004-to date: Hydroclimatic Variability in British Columbia, Canada (with Dan Moore at UBC)
2008-2009: Vulnerability of transboundary river flow agreements (with Aaron Wolf and TFDD@OSU)
Scientific Employees
Postdocs and Project Scientists
Carolin Winter (Akad. Rätin), Jost Hellwig (StressRes), Ben Kraemer (teaching and own research)
PhD Students
Current: Kathrin Szillat (StressRes project)
Graduated: Amelie Herzog (1/2024), Yonca Cavus (12/2023), Ruth Stephan (6/2023), Mathilde Erfurt (6/2021), Annette Boesmeier (1/2021), Marit van Tiel (11/2020), Georgios Skiadaresis (6/2020), Jost Hellwig (11/2019), Benedikt Heudorfer (12/2018) Erik Tijdeman (11/2017), Daphné Freudiger (11/2017), Veit Blauhut (11/2015), Maria Staudinger (12/2014), Michael Stölzle (6/2014), Agustin Brena (6/2012), Lukas Gudmundsson (9/2011)
Teaching (current)
Hydrologie (Bachelor Umweltnaturwissenschaften)
Aktuelle Themen der Umwelthydrologie (Wahlpflichtseminar - Bachelor Studiengänge)
Methoden der Hydrologie (Master Hydrologie)
Exkursion (Master Hydrologie)
Natural Hazards (Master Hydrologie)
Integrierte Modellierung (Master Hydrologie)
2015 Habilitation und licence to teach
2001 Dr. rer. nat., Inst. f. Hydrologie, Uni Freiburg
1997 Diplom Hydrologie, Inst. f. Hydrologie, Uni Freiburg
2016 Professor for Environmental Hydrological Systems(until 2021 as DFG Heisenberg Professorship), University of Freiburg
2014-2016: Substitute of the Professorship for Environmental Hydrology
2008-2014: Research Scientist, Inst. f. Hydrologie, Uni Freiburg
2007-2010: Research Scientist, Dept of Geosciences, Univ. of Oslo, Norway
2004-2007: Post-Doc/Research Scientist , Dept of Geography, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
2001-2003: Post-Doc (DFG Forschungsstipendium), Dept of Geosciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA